Friday 3 December 2010

Tough Trading Times

Today`s car sales market has been dramatically affected by the adverse weather conditions we are having. Showrooms and dealership's stand dormant as the public find it hard to even walk out of their front doors so the last thing on their mind is thinking about where they can buy a car.
Of course these companies still have obligations to their staff and salaries to pay. The bigger main dealers and multi-franchise operations will get by through additional funding but what about the smaller trader? They have it even tougher and it is known that many smaller businesses and traders will struggle to get through the terrible conditions we have at present. They may even have to cease trading, lay off staff and remove stock, some even having to sell the car that they have worked all their life to own.
It really is that serious to the small back street garage, with no customers coming through the door it is hard to justify them even opening, to pay for the heating for a day will cost them more than they bring in, so many have decided to close for the winter. However this doesn’t help the general public who may be looking to change their car for a 4x4 or something similar, many have just thought “sod it” I’ll sell my car and struggle through Christmas before deciding what to do in the new year, but how do they get out to actively sell the car?
The internet can help companies and there are those that claim we buy any car but in this terrible weather how would you get your car to them?

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